I am currently in Chilean Patagonia and am hoping to cross the border into Argentina on March 1. The main border between Puerto Natales and El Calafate is closed but the Monte Aymond/Integracion Austral border further south is open.

My plan is to take a taxi from Punta Arenas PUQ airport to the border at Monte Aymond, cross the border and immigration by foot, and then take another taxi or hitch hike from there to Rio Gallegos.  I think it costs between $125-$150 USD. I would love to meet other travelers and split the cost. Anyone with March 1 date? Also open to EARLY morning March 2.

I am also returning back to Punta Arenas airport by doing the reverse, crossing from Rio Gallegos to Monte Aymond to Punta Arenas airport on March 5. Anyone else?

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